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Would Superman be the same if he were the Man of Vinyl?
How about Man of Fiber Cement?

There’s a reason Superman is the Man of Steel, one of the strongest construction materials in the world. When it comes to siding, the strength and longevity of steel siding beats all other siding substrates like vinyl, fiber cement, and composite wood.


A siding material must handle the worst that weather can throw at it. Metal, and particularly steel, is synonymous with strength and durability. Vinyl, fiber cement, and composite wood vary in their ability to stand up to wind, hail, and time. Let’s take a look at a few examples of popular siding options and see how they stand up to Vesta and TruCedar Steel Siding.

Composite Wood

Composite wood consists of wood strands that are coated with a resin binder and compressed to create a board. In some respects composite wood displays extraordinary potential, being lighter than wood with some of the same strength. On the other hand, its superhero status is compromised when you consider that it is not resistant to fire, and it is susceptible to moisture issues including warping, swelling, rot, and mold.


Vinyl displays better than average longevity. In terms of strength, though, it still falls short of excellence. It can crack from the impact of a simple weed whacker, and warps or melts when excessive heat is applied.

Fiber Cement

Fiber cement is composed of wood pulp, cement, clay and sand. As a newer material, its longevity is not yet proven, but it should be longer than average. As superheroes go, though, it falls short in a few categories, displaying just average warp resistance, moisture resistance, impact resistance, and heat/cold resistance.


When it comes to longevity, steel siding is in a class by itself. Like Superman, it displays strength that holds up against hail, and even those pesky weed whackers. Vesta and TruCedar’s steel alloy resists cracking, fire, termites, rust, decay and chalking. A properly applied premium steel siding like Vesta or TruCedar can protect and extend the lifecycle of the entire home.

When you’re choosing siding for a home, you’ll find that it’s available in a wide range of possible substrates – vinyl, fiber cement, composite wood. And of course there’s steel, the Superman of the siding world.